進入聖堂內部,煞時被那寧靜神聖的紛圍屏住我的呼吸。從聖堂內360度的觀看,處處是美,處處也是學問喔! 讓我們一探究竟,導覽聖家堂內在美吧!
Entrance in lobby
Stair to Choir Loft on 2nd floor where choir sing and organ play.
聖堂真的粉大的,圖中可以看出內部是相當的挑高,中間郤沒有一根樑柱支撐,兩旁的棟樑結合處細心的用彩繪玻璃鑲崁,前方望去,建築的巧妙工法構思,交叉式的設計,美觀又兼具保護支持建物,走到最前方---天主的祭台前,抬頭即是"聖家 "浮雕式的設計---耶穌、瑪麗亞及若瑟,給人"家"的和協感,往左右兩側看,則有空間容納更多的人。
為什麼叫聖家堂呢? 看到這個碩大的浮雕設計,答案就出來了,它是由媽媽-聖母瑪利亞及兒子耶穌和爸爸聖若瑟的一家三口,這樣的景像,反應出一個愛、和諧的家庭,給人在聖神的殿宇中郤又那麼的溫馨~另外,天主教的聖堂內,會有耶穌的苦像。
The Crucifix is the sign of Jesus.
The vertical and horizontal beams symbolizes that all of us must bind together in love, full of faith and hope, walk toward our Creator.
Jesus nailed on the cross is the Son of God. He became man to save us.
he was tortured and nailed to the cross, but rose from dead after 3 days.The Risen Jesus let us see hope and love.
The Altar is the symbol of the dining table where Jesus and his disciples had their Last Supper. Jesus blessed the unleavened bread and wine that became his Body and Blood. He then distributed his disciples and told them to do the same in remembrance of Him. This is the origin of the Eucharistic celebration(The Mass). The Catholics gather around the altar to thank the Lord and through the reception of the Body and Blood became one with the Lord. The space around altar is called sanctuary,a holy place.
The wall painting in Relief of the Holy Family
We call Jesus ,Mary and Joseph the Holy Family. They are the model of all families in this world.
The Holy Family is its simple living. In loving one another, fullfill the will of God to accomplish His plan to save the world. St. Joseph ,the carpenter, is hard working ; Mary is sewing for the family under candle light . Can you guess what is on the hand of the Child Jesus.
The Ambo is the place to proclaim the Word of God and deliver the homily.
During the liturgical celebrations,readeres read passages from the Old nad New Testaments . The Gosep is read by the presiding priest or a deacon. He then explanis the meaning in the homily.
聖體龕內,存放的是聖體,是復活的耶穌基督。那是我們生命力量的泉源。唯有受過洗禮的人才能領受。JHS是三個拉丁文字母,意即耶穌是人又是救世主。(Jesus Hominum Salvator)
Tabernacle/ Sanctuary Lamp
The Sacred Host is kept in theTabernacle,is the Risen Christ Jesus. He is the source of our life's strength. Only those who are baptised in the Church can receive the Sacred Host.
JHS are 3 Latin characters that means Jesus is a human person and our Savior.(Jesus Hominum Salvator)
The Sanctuary Lamp usually is a small red light which is always on. It shows that he Risen Jesus is present here ! He will guide you and show you the direction of life.
Holy Water Bowl
At the entrance of the church is the Holy Water Font. When the Christian enters the church, he dips his fingers in the font and makes the sign of the cross on his forehead, his heart and both shoulders as he prays. " in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit" This is to remember that through baptism ,we became children of God. We purify our hearts and begin to pray.
Confessional Rooms
It is the place where the Christians reconcile with God. The sacrament of reconcilation of confession is one of the seven Sacraments of the Church.
Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, he gave the power to forgive sins of the Church. THe priest in the Confessional represents Jesus forgiving the sins of the Christians.
The Sacrament of Reconcilation is the sacrament of love.
1673 年 12 月- 1675 年 6 月,法國修女瑪加利大,在聖堂祈禱時,耶穌多次顯現給她說:「妳看這顆心,愛人之情,多麼熾烈!」教會依修女的敘述雕成這尊耶穌聖心像。耶穌心上的火,表示祂對我們的熱愛。祂也渴望我們愛祂。心上的茨冠象徵人的罪繼續刺傷祂的心。祂伸開雙手,歡迎所有的人來信靠祂。
The Statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus : From December 1673 to June 1675, Jesus appeared several times to a French nun. Sister Margaret Alacoque, whiel she was praying in the church. Jesus told her, " Look at my heart. My love is intense." The Heart of Jesus according to the description of Sister Margaret. The fire on the heart of Jesus shows His intense love for us; he is also longing for our love. The crownof thorns on His heart symbolizes the sins of men contiune to pierce His heart. Jesus opens both his hands to welcome everyone to come to him, to believe , and turst in him.
聖女小德蘭是法國人,生於 1873 年,15 歲進入聖衣會隱修院,24 歲歸返天鄉。聖女手持十字架,代表願與主同受苦;腳踏地球,代表她是傳教的主保。她的靈修方式-「神嬰小道」,幫助基督徒熱愛天主。
The Statue of the Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus : St. Little Therese is French and was born in 1873. SHe jointed the Carmelite Monastery at the age of 15 and died at the age of 24.
St. Therese holds a cross on her hand that represents her willingness to suffer with the Lord. She stands on the Globe whtich represents that she is the Patron Saint of the mission. She said: " After my death, I will rain down roses in the whole world just like dew." Her spirituality, " The way of Spiritual Childhood ," helps Chiristians to love God. There are many books about her. Try to read them to discover her " Little way".
The Statue of the Immaculate Heart of Mary: This statue of Mary has a morning star on her forehead to reveal to the mankind the coming of our Saviour Jesus. There is a cross shaped sword that pierced Mary's heart which represent how much pain she endured helping our Lord to save mankind. A string of Rosary beads encircle her heart to remind us to keep saying the Rosary. asking her to pray for us and our prayers will be answered by the Lord. Mary is Jesus' Mother, the best role model for Christians. We venerate her above all the Saints.
St. Joseph is Mary's spouse and Jesus' adopted Father; he is also the Patron Saint of China. His whole life was a silent gift of self to accomplish the mission entrusted to him by the Lord. He worked as a carpenter for living. He is the protector of laborers and hte Patron Saint of the dying. St. Joseph is a just man; he was dutiful and considerate. He is an excellant role model for us.
走進聖堂,兩旁的稍高處,沿著橫樑的方向,擺著十四幅大小相同的畫,這些圖像,就是在聖經福音中,描寫耶穌受難的歷史,而天主教所謂的苦路(Stations of the Cross),指耶穌由山園祈禱開始,到比拉多衙門,並至加爾瓦略山上受難所走的那段路。最後,被釘死而第三天復活的事實。
在梵二之後,根據四部福音重新組合了新苦路。教宗若望保祿二世於1995年馬尼拉的第十屆世界青年日就採用了新苦路。這樣的新苦路以聖經為準,不僅紀念、默想 耶穌的苦難和聖死,更慶祝了耶穌光榮的復活。在四旬期時,我們常有公拜苦路的活動,歡迎大家一齊默想耶穌苦難。
14 Stations of the Way of the Cross
Along the wall of the church, hung 14 wooden carved Way of the Cross. The Way of the Cross is the passion of Christ before He was nailed to the Cross.
The Church divided that into 14 stations to adore, meditate, and accompany the suffering Christ.
到歐洲參訪聖堂,最讓人讚嘆的,就是色彩鮮艷的彩繪玻璃。本堂有 18 幅聖經彩繪玻璃。它們是 19 世紀法國著名藝術家李維克 (Leveque) 於 1878年根据聖經的精心傑作。原在比利時的一座耶穌會聖堂內,1998 年該堂重建,教堂在網路上為這批彩繪玻璃,尋找一個新家。藝術家丁松青神父得知此一訊息後,在他的積極爭取下,這批古蹟終於來到台灣。在拆卸和運送的過程中,18 幅彩繪玻璃有多處破損,丁神父以其專業技術,及其助手雅威弟兄,花了半年多的時間將其修復完成。當時的本堂王秉鈞神父,得知此事,懇請丁神父割愛相讓,這批寶貝就這樣來到台北聖家堂。
建堂時,林柏年建築師在聖堂內設計有 18 扇窗戶,大小也與彩繪玻璃的尺寸幾乎剛好。西元 2000 年,經故宮博物院的技術指導,專業設計師的規劃下,彩繪玻璃取代了原有的窗戶。放在窗架上的 18 幅彩繪玻璃,每一幅看起來,都是栩栩如生,每位來本堂的參訪者,都會在它們面前佇立欣賞,讚嘆不己。
Painted Stained Glass Windows
There are 18 painted stained glass windows in the church telling the Bible stories. They were painted by the French artists C. Leveque. They werer finished in 1878. They used to belong to a Jesuit Church in Belgium. In 1998 when the church was reconstruected, these artistic works were given to Fr. Barry Martinson, SJ of Holy Cross Church in Hsinchu. With the assistance of Mr. Yaway, they carefully repaired the stain glass to its original radiant colors. and Fr. Barry Martinson generously gave them to the Holy Family Church.
Ⅰ.瑪麗亞-天主最鍾愛的女孩經過多年祈禱,瑪利亞的父母終於生下這位掌上明珠,他們把女兒帶到聖殿,獻給天主。萬世萬代都要讚美這位納匝肋的少女,因為她將成為耶穌的母親,偕同耶穌救贖全人類。 | Ⅱ.聖若瑟和瑪利亞訂終身瑪利亞雖然願意終身童貞事奉天主,但按習俗,她還是得結婚。司祭發給來求婚的男子一根枯枝,只有若瑟的枯枝長出了一朵百合,瑪利亞認出這就是天主賞賜的心靈伴侶,兩人便決定結為夫妻。 | Ⅲ.天使向瑪利亞報喜天主派了加俾額爾天使向童貞女瑪利亞報喜,對她說:「萬福!充滿聖寵者,主與你同在。」並且對她說:「妳將要懷孕生子,並要給祂起名叫耶穌,那要誕生的聖者,將被稱為天主的兒子。」 |
Ⅳ.聖母拜訪表姐依撒伯爾瑪利亞聽到素不生育的表姐依撒伯爾老年得子,立即往猶大山區去探望她。表姐看到瑪利亞,就說:「在女人當中你是有福的,我腹中的胎兒一聽到你的問候,就歡躍不已。」那個孩子就是洗者若翰。 | Ⅴ.耶穌基督誕生瑪利亞懷著耶穌快要足月時,當時羅馬皇帝下令 所有的人都要回到故鄉登記戶口。若瑟帶著瑪利亞回到了白冷,因為返鄉的人太多,他們沒有地方住,耶穌就誕生在馬槽裏。 | Ⅵ.聖母將耶穌獻給天主耶穌出生後第四十天,聖母瑪利亞帶著耶穌到聖殿去,將祂獻給天主。聖殿中有位老人西默盎受聖神感動,從嬰兒身上看到天主的救援,女先知亞納也稱謝天主,向一切希望得到救贖的人講論小耶穌。 |
Ⅶ.聖家逃往埃及救世主降生的消息傳出,令當時的黑落德王惶惶不可終日,並命令尋找嬰兒的下落。若瑟在夢中得到天使的指示,帶著聖母瑪利亞和小耶穌連夜逃往埃及,直到黑落德過世才返回家鄉。 | Ⅷ.耶穌的童年耶穌雖然是天主子,但是祂卻是在聖母和聖若瑟的照顧教育之下,度過祂的童年。我們稱若瑟、聖母瑪利亞與耶穌一家三口為聖家,也象徵著在天主的恩寵內,人能與天主合作,為愛作見證。 | Ⅸ.少年耶穌與經師論道慶節後,十二歲的耶穌與父母走散了。三天後,若瑟和瑪利亞發現祂在聖殿中與經師們論道,大家都驚訝祂的智慧。少年耶穌對祂的父母說:你們為什麼尋找我?你們不知道我必須在我父親那裏嗎?」 |
Ⅹ.聖家三口耶穌初次展現天主性之後,和父母回到那匝肋,在若瑟和瑪利亞的照顧教導之下,祂在智慧和身量上,以及在天主和人前的喜愛上,漸漸成長,聖家成為普世家庭的表率。 | ⅩⅠ.聖若瑟安息主懷聖若瑟是天主特選的義人,在人世間陪伴聖母,照顧耶穌長大成人。他是一位義人,在聖母的敬佩與耶穌的孝愛中善度一生,當他在世的使命完成後,他就在聖母和耶穌的陪伴之下,安然的離開人世。 | ⅩⅡ.耶穌的最後晚餐耶穌在世的最後一個晚上,和門徒在一起,祂祝聖了麵餅和酒,告訴門徒餅和酒就是祂的身體和血。後代的基督徒,藉著領受經過祝聖的麵餅和葡萄酒,分享耶穌的生命,與祂合而為一,永不分離。 |
ⅩⅢ.耶穌在山園祈禱最後晚餐之後,他們來到一座山園,耶穌心中憂悶至極,懇求門徒陪伴祂;但門徒都昏昏睡去,耶穌獨自祈禱,祈求天父能免去這苦難,但祂還是說:「父阿,不要隨我的意願,惟照你的意願成就吧! | ⅩⅣ.耶穌被釘死在十字架上耶穌被捕,受盡凌辱,被釘在十字架上,祂知道在世上的任務已經完成,就說:「我渴!」士兵用海棉沾了醋給祂喝。當時大地昏暗,耶穌說:「父啊,我把我的靈魂交托在你手中。」說完就斷了氣。 | ⅩⅤ.耶穌讓多默觸摸傷痕耶穌復活後,多次顯現給門徒。但多默說:除非我看見主耶穌,並且把手伸進祂手上的釘孔,我才相信主復活了。八天後,耶穌又來了,祂讓多默觸摸祂的釘孔,多默立刻承認了主。耶穌說「那些沒有看見而相信的,才是有福的。」 |
ⅩⅥ.耶穌被接升天耶穌復活後,多次顯現並教誨門徒。有一天,他帶領門徒來到博達尼附近,舉手降福了他們,有一片雲彩降下,祂就被接升天去了。耶穌吩咐門徒要期待來自高天的能力,並允諾祂將再來。 | ⅩⅦ.五旬節聖神降臨五旬節時,眾人都聚在一起,忽然狂風巨響,有火舌的形狀停留在每個人頭 上,門徒都充滿聖神,按照聖神賞賜的能力,說起各國語言,講論天主的奇事。眾人都很驚奇,探究到底發生什麼事。 | ⅩⅧ.聖母蒙召升天耶穌離世前,將聖母託給宗徒若望,聖母成為宗徒和普世萬民的慈母。她過世時,各地的宗徒都回到耶路撒冷,匆匆趕到的宗徒想瞻仰遺容,開棺後卻發現墓穴已空,他們相信聖母已經復活升天了。 |