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彌撒開始 Mass Begin
進堂禮 Entrance Procession
致候詞 Greeting
懺悔禮 Penitential Rites
求主垂憐經 Kyrie
光榮頌 Gloria
集禱經 The Collect
聖道禮儀 Liturgy of The Word
宣讀聖經(讀經一) First Reading
答唱詠 Psalm
宣讀聖經(讀經二) Second Reading
福音前歡呼Gospel Acclamation
信友禱文Prayer of Faithful
聖祭禮儀 Liturgy of the Eucharist
奉獻禮 The Offertory
供奉祭餅、祭酒 Presentaion of the Gifts
獻禮經 Eucharist Prayer
感恩經 The Eucharist Prayer
頌謝詞Dialouge Preface
成聖體聖血 Communicantes
信德的奧蹟 The Mystery of Faith
聖三頌 Conclusion of Eucharist Prayer
領聖體禮 The Communion Rites
天主經 The Lord's Prayer
平安禮 Sign of Peace
擘餅禮 Breaking of the bread
領聖體 Invitation to Communion
恭領聖體、聖血 Receive Communion
領聖體後經 prayer after Communion
堂區報告事項 Church Annoucement
禮成式 The Concluding Rites
降福大家 Blessing
出堂 Dismissal
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