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佩尼亞福特的聖雷蒙德, Saint Raymond of Peñafort, 2025-0109


Reflection: He was a century old when he died, and his legacy and influence have lived on for many more centuries. Saint Raymond was an evangelist at heart, but he was an educator, lawyer, canonist, organizer, preacher, and penitent by trade. He served the Church in numerous ways throughout his 100 years.

他去世時已經一個世紀了,他的遺產和影響已經延續了幾個世紀。 聖雷蒙德內心是一個傳教士,但他是一名教育家、律師、宗教法學家、組織者、傳教士並常懺悔改過行善。 在他的100年裡,他以多種方式為教會服務。

Raymond was born into a noble family in a small town near Barcelona, Spain. He was well educated and began teaching philosophy at the age of twenty. In his thirties, he obtained a doctorate degree in both civil and canon law, becoming an admired teacher for several years. Raymond’s gifts were soon noticed by many people, saints and sinners alike. Among the sinners was the King of Aragon; among the saints were the Bishop of Barcelona and even the pope himself.

他出生在西班牙巴塞羅那附近的一個小鎮的貴族家庭。 他受過良好的教育,從20歲開始教授哲學。 在他三十多歲時,他獲得了民法和教會法的博士學位,成為幾年令人欽佩的教師。 Raymond的天賦很快被許多人注意到,聖人和罪人的區分: 罪人中有阿拉貢國王;聖人中有巴塞羅那主教,甚至教宗。

While Raymond was still a layman, the Bishop of Barcelona became aware of Raymond’s brilliance and excellent reputation as a professor in Bologna, Italy. The bishop called Raymond back home to Spain to be an archdeacon, grand vicar, and official in his home diocese. Soon after, in his forties, Raymond joined the Dominican Order and began his life as a friar. As a Dominican friar, he gained a reputation for being humble, obedient, and fervent in his devotion and service to others, especially the poor. When he asked his superiors to impose upon him some penance so that he could more fully imitate his Lord, Who was humbly obedient even unto death, the superiors gave him the penance of writing a manual for priests to help them be better confessors. Father Raymond thus composed a magnificent manual of moral theology for confessors, one of the first of its kind. In addition to writing about Confession, Fr. Raymond also became known as a great confessor himself.

當Raymond還是個普通教友時,巴塞羅那主教意識到Raymond作為義大利博洛尼亞教授的才華和良好的聲譽。 主教叫雷蒙德回到西班牙,成為他家鄉教區的執事長、駐教堂神父和要員。 不久之後,四十多歲的雷蒙德加入了多明尼加騎士團,開始了他的修士生涯。 作為一名多明尼加修士,他以謙虛、順從和熱情地奉獻和服務他人,特別是窮人而享有美名盛譽。 當他要求上級對他施加一些懺悔做補贖,以便他能夠更充分地模仿他的天主時,對上級的指示謙卑地順從至死,上級給了他懺悔反省靈修指導,因而為神職人員寫一本手冊,幫助他們成為更好的靈修反省者。 因此,Raymond神父為那些願意懺悔靈修者編寫了一本宏偉的道德神學手冊,是同類中最早的手冊之一。 除了寫關於這類的文章外,他本人也被稱為偉大的靈修反省專家者。

The pope was so pleased with Fr. Raymond that he appointed him the Archbishop of Tarragon in Spain. Father Raymond, whose only desire was to be a humble friar, pleaded with the pope to excuse him from the appointment. By divine providence, Fr. Raymond became quite sick before he was ordained a bishop, which helped convince the pope to permit him to remain a humble friar and to return home.

教宗對雷蒙德神父也非常滿意。 雷蒙德任命他為西班牙塔拉貢大主教。但 雷蒙德神父唯一的願望就是成為一名謙卑的修士,他懇求教皇免除他的任命。最後,在被任命為主教之前病得很重,這有助於說服教宗允許他繼續成為一名卑微的修士並回家。

Three years later, while in his early sixties, Fr. Raymond was chosen to be the third Superior General of the Dominican Order. He held the position for only two years before retiring and returning to the life of a humble friar.

Father Raymond could finally do what he loved. He preached, evangelized, catechized, and heard confessions. He felt especially called to preach to Jews and Muslims and helped establish schools where his fellow friars could learn Hebrew and Arabic to help them better evangelize these non-Christians.

三年後,在他六十出頭的時候,Fr. Raymond被選為多明尼加騎士團的第三任總主教。 在退休並回到一個卑微的修士生活之前,他只擔任了兩年。

Raymond神父終於可以做他喜歡的事情了。 他傳道、傳福音、教義,並聽取告解。他感到特別被召喚去向猶太人和穆斯林區域爲他們佈道,並幫助建立學校,在那裡他的修士同伴可以學習希伯來語和阿拉伯語,以幫助他們更好地傳福音這些非基督徒

To help this endeavor, he encouraged another soon-to-be saint, Saint Thomas Aquinas, to write one of his greatest works, Against the Gentiles, to provide a theological basis for this evangelization. When Fr. Raymond was in his early eighties, he wrote a letter to his Superior General stating that 10,000 Muslims had been converted and baptized through his evangelical efforts.

為了幫助這一福傳事工,他鼓勵另一位即將成為聖人的聖托馬斯·阿奎那寫下他最偉大的作品之一《反對外邦人》,為這次福音傳播提供神學基礎。 當Fr. 雷蒙德八十出頭,他給他的上司寫了一封信,稱透過他的福音努力,10,000名穆斯林已經皈依和受洗。

On his deathbed he was visited by princes, princesses, two kings, and one queen. He prayed and fasted continuously, and miracles were even attributed to his intercession. He now rests in Heaven while his earthly body lies in the Cathedral of Barcelona, Spain.

在他臨終前,王子、公主、兩位國王和一位女王拜訪了他。 他不斷地祈禱和禁食,ㄧ些奇蹟發生甚至歸功於他的代禱。 他現在安息在天堂,而他的塵世身體躺在西班牙巴塞羅那主教座堂

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